Last week was #TSUHC2K13 or Tennessee State University Homecoming Week of 2013 for the hashtag impaired. Now that the madness has ended, I have to catch up on a bit of uneducational and pointless student duties that may have gone undone in the calamity.
In the realm, of the accomplished, I contributed to the enemy firing mechanic in Project Bala. You can follow that blog here for all the latest with that project from all team members (eventually). This is latest post more or less covers what the game is and where it will be for this first quarter target build.
Now, back to our regularly scheduled news, I've got a background working for the levels. Need to lower the opacity or overlay it with some layer that fades it... Advice is ALWAYS welcome.
I have goal points to get to, but I haven't been accurate in estimating times for hitting these.:
- PowerUps - Detailed/Unimplemented
- Main Levels - Detailed/Drawn Out/Unimplemented (Waiting to make everything function for Level so I can just duplicate and rearrange level layouts. Should be a quick step!)
- Sounds - Haven't thought to much about
- Finalized Designs - Still waiting till everything else is done.
I'll update the playable build once I fix the background (and implement at least one of the powerups) by Wednesday night.
Random Tech Link of the Post: This post right here explained Genetic Algorithms way more than a certain professor did... Check out UK Developer Lee Jacobson. Follow his Twitter. and follow mine!
I'm Outy 5000!