Monday, September 30, 2013


So I'm trying to figure out to properly embed my progress on Round the Block on the blog. HTML is not a strength of mine so I'm trying to see if I can find a Youtube walkthrough that I can follow in between these IT work orders.

Til then,

Peace & chicken grease!

Monday, September 23, 2013

Back For The First Time

First regular blog post of my final year of Undergrad. This time around, posts will flow more frequently (1-2 week updates). Posts will mostly center around the development of my Senior Game Projects, but other commentary on relevant scholastic or tech news happening will likely happen too!

Alright, now for the juice! (This was supposed to drop by Saturday, but life happened)

I'm working on the design document for two games. 

One is a smaller project which is like a remake of Arkanoid with an aesthetic to match Tennessee State University that I believe will be called "Round The Block" (RTB). Trying to crunch out the ideas and hammer it out ASAP! Homecoming is Oct 20-26, and I feel that could be an ideal release with finished designs and hopefully postponing any competitive (Time trials, score challenges) additions to come later....

I submitted an application for the ESA Loft Video Game Fellowship (took me about 100 takes to get a good 40 second clip). My idea for that would be to design a puzzle platformer that I've tentatively titled "The Dreamer". Here's a lil snippet of the idea behind it:
A puzzle platformer for consoles & PC that addresses the achievement gap and counters the historic misportrayals of black people in the US.
Game levels generally take place in the imagination of a boy daydreaming during his school classes and the gameplay mechanic revolves around moving the player character through game world in platform style movement and using up to 3 kinds of Skills (Communications, Technological, or Artistry) to solve puzzles that increase the Character’s Knowledge and allows you to progress through the game
I've been meaning to actually code a game based on the Project Prisma prototype that I made a few years ago with my friends Hank and Kyle (they've gone on to grow the game through their senior project). As it stands, this Fellowship has helped me branch out my ideas to grow beyond being a modified clone of an old project, so that it can (and WILL!) take on a life of its own!

Working on completes some design docs for both of these and finish learning the mechanics I'll use on RTB (pretty much just adding in Power Ups, figuring out Menus and game settings, and designing/putting in the backgrounds).

PS. Panera is my home for working now!
PPS. Even though they're trying to freeze me out of here >_>